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PEI Senior Citizens Federation says no

From: PEI Senior Citizens Federation Inc.
Sent: April 2, 2007 9:11
Subject: Re: Disability Support for seniors

Hi Stephen:

No, we don’t offer any of these devices to seniors. The things we offer are outlined in our brochure.


Well if the PEI Senior Citizens Federation says they don’t provide technical aids and assistive devices for seniors with a disability, who does?

I know you can rent wheelchairs on a temporary basis from the Red Cross but they are not suitable for a person with a disability. They are too heavy, hard to push and only meant for short term use.

What was the Minister thinking? Was Chester doing his King of Denial routine again?

People have accused me of being caustic and sarcastic. I’m just trying to find a shred of humour in what is a grim situation.

We have more than 1,000 seniors with a disability who need help. All the responsible Minister can do is spout platitudes and lie. Lie through his teeth, lie like a trooper, lie, lie, lie. He’s pretty competent at lying, except for the ease with which those lies are exposed.

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I wonder if the government has a job for him as Minister of Lies or Minister of Truth, sort of doublespeak.

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