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Hansard April 3, 2007 Minister Gillan

Ed: this is the Minister’s statement as recorded in Hansard.
Mr. Gillan: Mr. Speaker, I rise in the House today to speak to the Disability Support Program. Islanders with disabilities have real challenges and real needs for supports to go
about their daily lives and daily work. The Disability Support Program means to support clients with their most essential needs.

The Disability Support Program is intended to meet disability-specific needs. I want to ensure that the public understands that social assistance and other income supports are separate programs that individuals may be eligible to access in addition to the Disability Support Program.

Today more than 1,000 Islanders are benefitting from the Disability Support Program in their daily lives and work. This past year’s budget for the Disability Support Program was $8.1 million. On average, the monthly assistance provided to a client is just over $600. Other clients receive up to 3,000 per month. Is this enough? No, it will probably be enough.

However, in a small province such as ours, we are constantly challenged to provide a growing spectrum of health and social support.

It has been reported that the Department of Social Services and Seniors cut the budget by $1 million this past year. Here is what actually happened. In the old regional structure in 2005-2006, the program was over budget by 651,000. During this past year, staff were asked to assess applications within the existing program guidelines.

Administrative procedures were also better managed across sites. This direction has improved fairness and equity across the program regardless of where a client lives.

Over this past year we have heard from individuals, families and groups about limitations of the program, but we have also heard about positive outcomes.

Unfortunately, the public has not heard much about these positives. Just this past week, we assisted a family whose child has Down’s syndrome. Their feedback was: We love the Disability Support Program.

We have also been asked publicly: Does the Disability Support Program provide for all equipment, i.e., scooters? Yes, the program does have support for many pieces of equipment, including these scooters. The need, however, has to be demonstrated. Let’s not forget also that the scooter is one of many technical aids and assistive devices provided. There are also wheelchairs, hearing aids, bathroom and bedroom aides and many others.

The Disability Support Program is now five years old and some adjustments are needed. Attitudes and approaches change and programs must evolve accordingly. Work is underway on changes to the program screening tool and the review process. The provincial budget on April 10th will lay out the government’s commitment with persons with disabilities and the community organizations that provide direct service to support them.

We will continue to work with the federal government to encourage more dollars for programs that support persons with disabilities. We will also continue to work with community organizations and the disabilities community, including the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Disabilities Issues, to evaluate and improve
supports for Islanders with disabilities.

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