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Children with autism

The Guardian

Letters to the Editor

Once again, the provincial government never ceases to amaze me. As I sat at home watching Compass (April 17, 2007), I was less than thrilled to find out that not only the provincial government, but the federal goverment as well, has funded a program to assist in the shortage of cooks on Prince Edward Island. What is up with that?

This disturbs me because I am a single parent with two special needs children. One of my children is autistic. Do the provincial and gederal governments have any idea of the shortage of trained applied behaviour analysis (ABA) therapists/tutors on P.E.I.?

I am pretty confident they do. Why is it that the government of Prince Edward Island can train people to be cooks but they can’t provide more training for those who want to be ABA therapists/tutors? Do they have any idea that ABA is vital in the treatment of autism?

Do they have any idea that it is very hard to find trained people to teach our children? Do they have any idea the stress and financial burden involved in treating our autistic children?

I don’t think they do. I am beginning to lose all faith in our government. When it comes to training someone to make the best Island seafood chowder or helping a child recover from autism, to me there is no comparison. It baffles me to no end how they can justify this expenditure.

Lisa Oraniuk,

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