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Disability Supports, Government of PEI, PEI

Why have the disability non-profits not spoken out on DSP cutbacks?

PEI Council of the Disabled silent on $ 1 million cutback

By Stephen Pate – Minister of Social Services Chester Gillan recently told Trisha Clarkin that I was a bully and the reason they weren’t putting money into the DSP.

More bizarre Gillan Logic (soon to be a course at UPEI). Disability Alert was formed after the cutbacks to get them reversed.

Gillan was playing divide and conquer among the disability organizations. Trisha is President of the PEI Council of the Disabled (PEI COD), an organization known for Disability Parking tags and program delivery.

PEI COD is not known for in-your-face advocacy and the Gillan AKA the King of Denial knew that. He knew that if he could plant a small seed of doubt in Trisha, PEI COD would likely go back to its normal mode. Maybe not right away but eventually. Chester knew the President of an NGO would be aware that core administrative funding comes from his office. Offending Chester, the ever smiling master of prevarication, by easy deduction might threaten that funding.

The state of sleepiness cultivated by Chester and his deputy the Queen of Hearts in the disability non-government-organizations (NGO’s) meant none of them was awake to the $1 million cutback last year. If they saw it, they simply turned away from the issue.

Has one single disability organization on PEI made a public statement about the $1 million cutback?


Chester was hoping if they all went asleep again the pressure would be off the government to fix the Disability Support Program, before the election or ever for that matter.

His logic is flawed: Disability Alert was created because the NGO’s weren’t speaking out about the cutbacks and other problems with the DSP. Disability Alert won’t go away until the DSP is doing what it should. At the current pace of the Binns government, we should be at this for some time.

Binns-collage--webHowever, you’ve got to hand it to the King of Denial. The old master is at the big lie. His logic: you never know what seeds take root and grow.

Chester, our crown King of Denial, is part of the big Spin Factory that denies truth and replaces it with prevarication. The DSP Scandal rolls right along, its evil spinning in ever larger circles from the centre of deceit. Why help Islanders with disabilities when a lie or two will paper over the problem? Entangle the very organization who should help those with disabilities in your web of deceit. Buy their silence.

When a government has been around too long they forget their purpose: to serve the people. This government appears willing to do anything to perpetuate its power, even if it means outright abuse of the weak.

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