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1st Anniversary DSP Cutback $1 Million

Ed: CBC TV coverage is in the video box to the upper right. Radio, newspaper and other video will be posted shortly.

Today we are marking the One Year Anniversary of the $1 Million cut back to the PEI Disability Support Program. This has resulted in the reduction of services and support for some Islanders with Disabilities and the complete exclusion from support for others.

In the budget of April 1, 2006, the Province of PEI decided to reduce spending on Islanders with Disabilities instead of increasing the spending as it did all other departments within Social Services and Seniors.

Where did the money go? We have asked the Minister where that $1 Million went and have not been able to get an answer. There is a Freedom of Information application underway.

The impact of the cut backs has been severe on Islanders with disabilities. Monthly allowances have been cut. Wheelchairs, scooters and other technical aids not supplied. Parents requiring special assistance for their children put on hold.

The DSP was under funded at the beginning. The PEI Disability Support Program was started in October 2001, replacing the Family Support and Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities (EAPD) programs which served less than 200 people with a budget of $5 million. DSP received an additional $1.6 million in funding and 800 new clients. This widened scope of clients and benefits put enormous strain on the DSP budget from the outset.

Parents of children with developmental disabilities are no longer receiving the support they used to under the Family supports. People who need wheelchairs, scooters and all kinds of technical aids and assistive devices are left out in the cold.

The 2004 joint Federal Provincial survey of unmet needs discloses there is a vast array of devices still in need. The accompanying table details the unmet needs on PEI from that report.

Seniors comprise 45% of Islanders with Disabilities; however, they cannot receive anything from this program. Nor can those who have a learning disability or mental disability.

We call on the Government to put the money back into the budget, fund this program properly to meet its stated goals. We ask them to stop taking money from people in wheelchairs.

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