Music, IT & Human Rights since 2005

Bob Dylan, NJN

What am I up to?

I just spent the last two days listening to the testimony of 4 parents whose children have autism. Some of the coverage is on the Disability Alert site.

I feel drained and hopeless after hearing the stories. How could anyone let that happen? Yet I am optimistic. We will fix this problem. Maybe they will win their case at Human Rights. Or maybe we will take to the streets in protest this cruel government.

We’ll do what it takes.

To keep myself sane, I went to Baba’s tonight and had a great jam with Ryan. We did Mean Woman Blues, Love Starts Too Easy (my stuff) and a rocking All Along the Watchtower. It was great fun. Moe was taking our pics so I have to track her down on the web and weasel copies from her. Great to see so many people. Met the new owner of back alley disks.

Kerrie came with me but left with Jessica to go dancing! I hate it when the girl you brought leaves to go somewhere else with another girl! Whaa?

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