Music, IT & Human Rights since 2005

Disability Alert, Disability Supports, Government of PEI

We Protest Taking Money From People In Wheelchairs

(photo Stephen Pate)

PEI Disability Alert was formed to accomplish four primary goals with the Disability Support Program

1) to included all Islanders with disabilities, not just the current 5% it covers
2) to restore the funding cutback of $1 million
3) to include seniors with disabilities in DSP coverage and
4) to end the abuses under the program which are resulting in Privacy Commissioner and Human Rights Commission complaints.

Disability Alert is inclusive of all disabilities, all ages, whatever the need.

Someone asked if we were just concerned about mobility disabilities since we are asking the government to ‘stop taking money from people in wheelchairs.’ We are working for Islanders with all disabilities whether they be walking, sight, hearing, learning, autism, mental – whatever the disability is.

Does the catch phrase or slogan reflect that diversity? The catch phrase is ‘taking money from people in wheelchairs.’ It works since ‘taking money’ feels like ‘stealing’ and ‘from people in wheelchairs’ evokes the public memory of disability. It matches the signs we see parking at the mall, the car window stickers, etc. It is not meant to describe all the people eligible for the DSP. It is simply meant to be memorable and summarize the issues.

There are 100’s of different disabilities. No catch phrase can include them all and be memorable. A catch phrase is something that springs mind. It gets the point across. It will never catch on if it is cumbersome and sounds like a committee wrote a political correct statement.

On the diversity side, we like to cover stories about all disability issues. Our links are very broad and diverse. If you have a suggestion for more articles or links, send them along.

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