Music, IT & Human Rights since 2005


Rate us at PEI Blogs

PEI Blogs is a blog aggregator on PEI. They have been extremely good to us with listing Disability Support. That helps to get the message out.

Would you do us a favour and link to their site and rate this blog. Be kind. It will help our visibility within PEI Blogs.

While you’re there, browse some of the other bloggers on PEI. If you like scenery, ‘Today in the Life of Eastern Kings’ is special.


1 Comment

  1. jypsy

    If you like scenery…. check out Alex Bain’s Autistic Celebration Run blog. Last July Alex ran across PEI, tip to tip, to raise positive autism awareness and raise money to train PEI’s law enforcement & first responders. The Run and the Safety Training Seminars were great successes. The Run was blogged, as was the media surrounding the Run and the Safety Training Seminars. The 14 daily entries of the run itself have links to hundreds of photos taken along the way. If you’ve never seen PEI from the Trail, take a look…

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