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New Disability Video – Where did the money go?

The video asks the question: Where did the money go?

With the help of local band Mars Hill, now in Montreal seeking fame and fortune, the video asks the simple question – where did the $1 million go.

Where did the Province put the money? Did they hire more doctors or take trips to Europe with their pals. Did they vacation in Florida while calling it a business trip?

Someone knows. We have some ideas.

While you’re watching the video and listening to the cool music maybe you’ll get an idea where the money went. Send us an email. We’ll post everything we get.

Share the video with your friends or your enemies for that matter. You can send them this link or click on the YouTube window lower right where it says “Share”. We hope you like Mars Hill. Their link is in the list.

Update – Mars Hill came under pressure from the Deputy Minister of Culture to have the video taken down before the election. When they were in Halifax at the ECMA’s, the Deputy threatened them with no money for their travel back to Montreal.

Does that sound like a plot line from “1984”?

The band signed some paper repudiating their release, which they disowned when they got safely back to PEI.

Later when two members drifted back to PEI, one band member asked us to take the video down so he could get a job. That’s PEI politics. Advocating for the disabled could leave you unemployed.


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