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I’ll not be voting for this government

With all the hype of the upcoming provincial election, I am writing about my concerns about the education system on P.E.I.

My grandson, who is in need of a teacher’s assistant, can’t get one because of the lack of funding. I find this extremely frustrating. There are many kids out there who need extra help and they are not getting it.

On my way home from work on Friday at around 3 p.m., I stopped in at the liquor store at the new Sears location. I counted 10 employees. There were three on the floor standing around, three in the office and four on the cash registers, and only four customers in the store counting myself.

I mentioned this to someone who used to work at the liquor store in the 1990s, and he said that they didn’t have 10 employees when he was there even on Christmas Eve, the busiest day of the year.

What is wrong with this picture? Obviously this has something to do with the up-coming election.

So I can tell you now, I and my family will not be voting for this government. We will be voting for a responsible government.

Ann Marie MacDonald,

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