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Guardian Letter: National policy on Autism

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North Rustico, vice-president, Autism Society of P.E.I.


Charlottetown MP Shawn Murphy is demonstrating extraordinary leadership in the House of Commons. He has tabled Bill C-304.

If successful, the ensuing National Strategy for the Treatment of Autism Act will be of critical importance to Canadian families with members who are affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. The Centre for Disease Control in the U.S. has recently reported that the prevalence rates of Autism Spectrum Disorders have increased to one in 150. By any standard, this is a national public health crisis. Yet, not a single province or territory offers the core healthcare treatment for autism under medicare and there is no national autism strategy to confront this growing epidemic.

For instance, Prince Edward Island income-tests families and puts them through a battery of belittling questions under a social — rather than health — program to determine what their client contribution will be. The federal government has recently made announcements of a national cancer strategy, national heart health strategy, national spinal cord rehabilitation strategy, among other recent announcements. While the federal government did announce some autism consultation initiatives in November 2006 and passed a motion for a National Autism Strategy in December 2006, these are non-binding and largely symbolic window dressings.

Simply put, words are not enough. Canadian families need concrete action. If you feel inclined, you may want to consider contacting federal MPs to request their support for Bill C-304 so it may proceed to the next stage in the approval process and to the Commons committee for review. The Commons vote will be held today.

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