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Stephen Nowell Cooks up Breakfast at Farmers Market

There are a few things we look forward to every week. Having breakfast cooked at the Farmer’s Market is one of them. There are lots of vendors to choose from and one of our favourites is the booth simply called “Breakfast Now Being Served.” There owner Stephen Nowell and his wife Deborah prepare fresh breakfasts on the spot.

The menu includes omelets, French toast, pancakes, crepes and Belgium waffles. The variety of ways he makes them is amazing for the small space they occupy. Every once in awhile I shoot the diet and order French toast with the mixed fruit and berries topped with whipped cream. It’s a secret zero calorie recipe. The breakfasts are a bargain; most cost less than $5 for a high quality meal.

They started off with 4 feet of working space and have expanded over the past 5 years to two locations. Stephen does most of the cooking at his station close to the eating area. Baked goods and waffles/crepes are made at the original counter on the aisle. They start baking on Wednesday to be ready for each Saturday.

What’s free with your meal is Stephen’s sense of humour and occasional sarcasm. He always has funny word or two which is difficult considering his job as a short order cook. His secret? “I pretend I’m on drugs. It’s cheaper that way.” A couple of years ago he renamed me Roy Orbison when I got new dark rimmed glasses. I’ve been Roy ever since.

It’s not MacDonald’s. Things are made to order fresh for each customer. You may have a 15 to 20 minute wait some days but that’s the beauty of the Farmer’s Market. Walk around, shop or just sit and spend time talking to friends. The pace is relaxed: the atmosphere convivial. Brianna or Darrah Richardson will bring the meal when it’s ready.

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