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PEI Human Rights Commission hears parents in fight with DSP

Carolyn Bateman at Human Rights hearing

Please come if you can


Carolyn Bateman at Human Rights hearing

The PEI Human Rights Commission Hearings into the case of Vic Douse, Carolyn Bateman, Brad and Dale Wonnacott, and Margaret Murphy are scheduled to begin on Tuesday January 30th at 9:30 AM. The Hearing will be held in the IRAC Hearing Room, 134 Kent Street, 5th floor, Charlottetown.

The parents charge discrimination by the Disability Support Program. The story was reported in the Guardian and repeated here.

This is an important hearing. These parents have banded together to fight injustice in the Disability Support Program. While the lawyers will argue the legalities of the issue, there is no doubt the Province of PEI is being a bully and abusive in this case.

Please try to attend one or more sessions of the hearings which are open to the public. The parents need our support and the Province needs to see they don’t stand alone. The best entrance is off Kent Street, at the National Bank (across from Post Office). The elevators are just past the bank on your right.

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