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Many unmet needs on the Island

Stephen Pate offering Disability Fast Facts at the Charlottetown Farmer's Market April 2007

There are a whole lot of people suffering on the Island

Stephen Pate Farmer's Market

Stephen Pate

Letter to the Editor Guardian, January 25th, 2007


There are a whole lot of people suffering on the Island.

They have a disability through no fault of their own. Wheelchairs, scooters, bathroom grab bars, hearing and sight aids — Islanders need hundreds of these while the government has cut $1 million in the funding.

The government promised to help them with a Disability Support Program. But they cut back the money just to avoid costs, to save money. 

There are too many needs to itemize but just a few provides an idea.  The numbers are from a study done in 2004 and commissioned by the federal government, the provinces and the territories. P.E.I. was part of the report. Quebec absented itself.

On P.E.I. we have lots of unmet needs. Over 200 Islanders need a wheelchair.Another 250 Islanders need a scooter. Four hundred Islanders need grab bars or bathroom aids. Over 400 devices are needed by Islanders with hearing disabilities. Over 400 aids are needed for Islanders with sight problems.

The government should be ashamed of itself. We should let them know.


1 Comment

  1. Michael

    The DSP is a good example of the sham which is our Provincial Social Policy/Programs. Health Care, Education, Social Services, Workers Compensation,
    Affordable Housing , Living Wage etc etc etc…

    The DSP reality is a great window into a very bleak and morally bankrupt vision for this province.
    We need a mature vision which is socially conscious and just. A vision where people are actually ‘ what it’s about.’ Instead we endure this small place where the Deputy Minister, making $110,000/yr., grabs $651,000 from the mouths of real people – disabled people. And she gets away with this cruel behavior because she has the power Islanders allow her to exercise.

    We need a new vision which Islanders of good will can embrace and work towards. We can ill afford this other foolishness.

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