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It Was A Set Up

You know you’re getting on people’s nerves when they spend their efforts spinning you like a top.

In December I made a request to meet with smooth talking Chester Gillan the Minister responsible for the Disability Support Program. Well they fell all over themselves to make it happen before Christmas and then asked if January 8th would be ok. Great with me. They would have Gillan, his Deputy, the Executive Director of the DSP and anyone else related to the DSP. Sounded awesome if not intimating: five of them and one of me.

In Friday’s Charlottetown Guardian, Chester Gillan said we had never arranged to meet with him. The King of Denial was working overtime but he knew what I didn’t: they had cancelled the meeting without telling me. Cool.

There I was: meeting with the Deputy who immediately falls on her sword like a good Samurai. “I did it” she proudly proclaimed. “I was the one who shot the DSP” She is one career civil servant working hard to get to the top. Stand by your man and take the arrows for him as well.

I didn’t believe the Deputy then and I don’t now. I shared the story about my non-meeting with a political reporter. He said “She doesn’t need to worry about re-election but Chester does.”

Guys, wouldn’t it just be easier to stop the shenanigans and try to help out some Islanders with Disabilities? Do you hate the job that much?

1 Comment

  1. jypsy

    FWIW, I requested a short meeting with the Minister and/or his Deputy on May 24th 2007 and was finally granted that meeting November 8th.

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