Music, IT & Human Rights since 2005


Baba’s Open Mic

I was glad to get back to Baba’s Open Mic last night. Holidays and a post-Christmas cold/flu had taken their toll in missed weeks.

It’s always a humbling and fun experience to play there.

Steve was reminiscing about how fantastic the Rock On! Live Jam had been at Piazza Joe’s. Guys shredding Pantera next to sensitive singer songwriters.

As I started my first song, Todd King asked out loud if the song was inappropriate sexually. I refused to answer the question!

One of my own songs went over like awful but Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat had them rocking. Mahoney was doing great backup work on his Taylor for me. We should practice: we might get better.

Andrea was telling me more about her trip across Canada with Moe taking videos. It’s supposed to happen in March/April. That will be such a cool trip for them. In you see Andrea, buy one of her CD’s to help her with trip expenses.

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