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Human Rights, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island

Christmas Message to Chester Gillan

Christmas Eve 2006

Chester Gillan Minister of Social Services and Seniors
Charlottetown, PEI

Dear Chester,

Somewhere on PEI there is a person in a wheelchair slogging through the rain and slush because their transportation allowance was cut and they can’t afford to call Pat and the Elephant.

Somewhere on PEI there is a person stuck at the Superstore just trying to get their weekly groceries waiting for the electric cart to return, tired beyond belief with no seat in sight because you don’t think they need a scooter.

Somewhere in PEI there is a blind person living alone who needs home care, cut-off by the DSP, who has fallen and hit their head.

Have a very Merry Christmas dreaming of program reviews and ways to re-classify Islanders with Disabilities. Stay warm and healthy.

God Bless us all

Stephen Pate

PS – This was my email to Chester. Why don’t you send Chester your own personal Chistmas message. I know he would like to hear from you.

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