Music, IT & Human Rights since 2005

Human Rights, NJN

PEI’s Forgotten Minority

Islanders with Disabilities represent one of PEI’s largest minorties. At 19,000 or 14% of the population they are roughly neck-and-neck with seniors in terms of population.

Surprisingly the Province spends most of its time ignoring and abusing those with a disability. The pittance that is spent is representative of the low regard with which the Province holds them.

The $1 million cutback is another attitude indicator.

To apply for Disability Support, the person must jump through hoops that would embarass anyone and discourage those who are able.

Baker Consulting called it “the corporate culture of cost containment / cost avoidance”.

The program gives creedance to the old saw “We’re from the government and we are here to help you.”

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